"I create art that registers the energy of a vibrant ecology at the edges of change, in an age where climate disruption threatens to cause rising sea levels and impact the food supply for the vulnerable.
Life’s transitions happen in the sweet spot of the ecotone, a convergence zone in biology where ecosystems intersect leading to explosive biodiversity and originality. Nature’s creativity at the edges is an instructive counterpoint to gloom-and-doom climate scenarios where the world food supply is at risk. The imagery in this work includes the ghosted impressions of rice, a symbol of prosperity and abundance, and the energy of a productive food zone as a nod to nature’s creativity that nourishes us. Tangentially, it serves as a metaphor to describe the vitality of our social ecology and what feeds us non-materially, as well as a reflection of my personal story of abrupt transition and subsequent renewal found through this phenomena of creativity. In my studio practice, I choose mediums that force me to partner with nature’s unpredictability. Watercolor on paper is loosely controlled, the cyanotype process composed outside, influenced by the variable effects of sun and weather, embodying the energy and aliveness of the ecotone workspace." |