Eat With the World: the most common meal is Rice exhibit
Title: “Paradox in Rice” the future of the most common meal in an age of climate change (Blue water and Red Fire series bowls) An empty bowl is hunger, as experienced by victims of drought or famine. while these bowls are empty, reflecting predictions of shortages and hunger. Concurrently, they are full, ghosted images of rice implying hope for the stabilization of a future food supply. These vessels belong to a body of work about subsistence farmers and climate change. They were created in response to the state of vulnerability of the world food supply as it contends with extreme weather and impacted ecosystems that harm crops and threaten livelihoods. This is a shared predicament. Not only as empathetic beings, but also as contributors to climate warming, we can no longer ignore the impact our lives have on the food supply of subsistence farming populations. Yellow Field series bowls: forage, glean, collect, hold seeds and pods for saving, storing, touching. |